Assignment: On board the CMS Icarus to assist Sovereign Colonies Science team as security detail during their studies. Side Objective is to patrol through the destinations the Science team need to go to for any Quarantine requirements.
Current Location: Deep Space [Too broad to Pinpoint.]
Commanding Officer. Lieutenant. Daniel Winters Executive Officer. Recent Transfer [Name not Registered.] -
Squads. [Key: FT - Field Technician | FE - Field Engineer | CO - Comm-link Operator | SR - Squad Rifleman | FM - Field Medic] ------------ Squad Alpha.
Squad Lead - Sergeant Oswald Jones Team Lead.
Squad Members.
Squad Bravo.
Squad Lead - Sergeant John Ronald Team Lead.
Squad Members.
Un-Assigned. Damien Callus Voss; Rifleman. Lyle Parker; Rifleman. Brittney North; Rifleman. Joe David; Field Medic. Aleksander Ramirez; Rifleman. Rick Johnson; Rifleman. Thomas Crowford; Field Technician. Lilith Croft; Field Medic. Daniel Croft; Rifleman. Chloe Miller; Rifleman.
Sovereign Colonies Armed Forces | Delta Platoon Roster